Wednesday, 13 February 2008

He Knows

This guy knows it...

"fast-forward to me losing a child, hiding out in a small town in minnesota to have my mother lick my wounds, i was starting to see my reality and religion slipping away at a vast pace. i started seeing life for what it really was… a man eat man, elite hierarchy of society hidden away in symbolic tradtions and ceremonies, brainwashed sheeple being replaced by knownots"

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

2008 Election Candidates Vulnerable To Tech Fraud, Researcher Says

Like duh. Of course they are vulnerable. That's how the whole thing's set up. We may not think so. They may not think so. But this is theatre, people. Worse, this is puppet theatre and the people pulling the strings, let's call them... um... The Weavers? - can manipulate the results, no problemo. Don't forget this surprise win:

Experts Question Clinton's New Hampshire Primary Win

Election integrity activists parsing the precinct-level results from New Hampshire's Democratic Primary say their early analyses have found anomalies suggesting vote totals may have been altered to deliver a Hillary Clinton victory.

Read the rest...

Mayday BotNet even more powerful than Storm

Big story. Small surprise.

A new peer-to-peer (P2P) botnet even more powerful and stealthy than the infamous Storm has begun infiltrating mostly U.S.-based large enterprises, educational institutions, and customers of major ISPs.

Experts are confused because the leading anti-virus software can't seem to detect this malware.

Cox says Damballa is not sure why AV engines aren't detecting MayDay's malware. "Is it because of the advanced techniques it's using in how the malware is constructed? Or have AV companies not been able to identify these pieces of malware?"

You can't detect it because it's super advanced, dummies! Unlike your brains. It's coded by experts paradigms beyond the current level of technological expertise. It's polymorphic, ever-evolving code is nigh-on organic. It's collecting, gathering, been woven into the web by The Weavers. They're just waiting for the sign to push it into 'Storm Mode'.

Read the story.

Monday, 4 February 2008

New Internet Cable Cut

All the media are concentrating - self-consciously - on the "accidental" or "unknown" causes of these internet cable cuts and the massive outages across the Middle East and Asia. They know it's organised. C'mon, three cable cut in as many weeks. Someone is flexing their muscles..or wanting to it to appear so...

A submarine cable in the Middle East has been snapped, adding to global net problems caused by breaks in two lines under the Mediterranean on Wednesday.

Read it all