Tuesday, 18 March 2008

The Hacking Wars, Guess Work

Thing is with hacking wars "you can't prove that the government was involved". So why assume it? Why not look around for other possible causes?


"In an article at eWeek Larry Seltzer examines the supposed hacking war between the US and China. He surmises 'Even if you can't prove that the government was involved ... it still bears some responsibility'. ... 'I can confirm targeted attacks with sophisticated technologies have been launched against obvious enemies of China ... Who is behind these attacks can't be easily said, but it can be an American cyber-criminal, a Nigerian spammer or the Chinese themselves.'"

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Scientology Black Ops Docs Leaked

Don't buy any of this Church Of Scientology smokescreen crap. Scientology is a stroll through the playground compared to what The Weavers are really up to.

Yeah Let's see you try to post something about The Weavers on Wikileaks. See how long it stays up.

Saturday, 1 March 2008

Bank Job

Professional job. Holy relics. Swift execution. No witnesses. Only one suspect.
